Wednesday 13 April 2011

Dukan Diet - Great For Weight Loss

There is no doubt that the Dukan diet has helped millions of people to lose weight.

This has a lot to do with the fact that you can eat proteins such as chicken and tuna, even beef.

One of the main foods you need to cut out are carbohydrates, such as bread, but this is only during the early stages such as the first stage - the attack phase.

Proteins such as the ones mentioned above will keep you feeling full and give you all the energy you need, which is a lot better than some of the calorie counting diets where you can feel hungry most of the time.

There are four phases to this diet and during each one you will gain some satisfaction as you make progress and lose weight.

The Attack Phase - is the first phase which can last up to ten days and you will lose quite a few pounds to encourage you.

The Cruise Phase - you stay on this as long as you like, until you reach your desired weight.

The Consolidation phase - where you can eat foods you like every other day.

The Stabalisation phase - where you stabalise your weight and reintroduce some of the above phases to achieve this.

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