Saturday 14 May 2011

Dukan Diet - How The Attack Phase Boosts Your Confidence

The Dukan diet attack phase is the most important phase, your confidence will be boosted by this phase, because if you stick to it for seven to ten days you are sure to lose weight.

Most people lose about ten pounds during the attack phase, but this will depend on how much you already weigh, some people have lost a lot more.

Dr Pierre Dukan who invented the diet knew that if people were successful in the first phase of the diet, then they would be more likely to continue with it and ultimately succeed.

One of the failings of most diets is that people do not stick to them for very long.

Then the dieter feels that he or she has failed and becomes disheartened.

But the fact is this is often not the fault of the dieter but that a lot of diets are flawed because they are too difficult to stick to over a long period of say weeks or months.

Then once you come off of the diet you start to put all of the weight that you lost back on again.

The Dukan diet is designed to be a diet for life. A lot of people have been able to stay on the diet because of the way in which it has been designed.

The attack phase will help you lose weight fast and because of your initial success you will not want to put weight back on again, so the second phase - the cruise phase will be a little easier for you as you are allowed to eat vegetables every other day and consolidate your gains.

So this amazing diet all starts with the brilliant Attack Phase that encourages you from the start.

It should be noted that it is always advisable to consult your doctor or medical practioner before starting a diet or any weight loss programme.

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