Friday 27 May 2011

Healthy Eating When Pregnant

When you are pregnant your diet will probably need to change a little.

During the first few weeks your appetite may decrease, but after the first six months you will need to eat an extra two hundred to three hundred calories per day.

Here Are Some Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy

Some cheeses such as blue veined stilton and soft cheese because they may contain listeria which could harm your baby
You should also avoid pate because it can contain listeria.

Make sure that your eggs are well cooked when you eat them to avoid listeria.

You should avoid raw seafood such as sushi.

You should not eat too much tuna as it contains mercury, the same goes for sword fish and marlin which have even more mercury than tuna.

You should avoid liver as it is high in vitamin A that could harm your baby.

It is best to avoid alcohol or only have a very little.

Good Foods To Eat Whilst Pregnant:

Milk is good as it contains calcium which is good for your baby – low fat milk is the healthiest.
Fruit and vegetables are good for you and your baby.

Iron is good for you as you may become low in it. Good sources are spinach, watercress and meat such as lean beef.
Food high in carbs such as bread, pasta and potatoes.

Be sure to consult your medical practioner for a full list of the best foods that are best for you and to have the proper medical check ups.

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Sunday 22 May 2011

Dukan Diet - Lose Weight Fast And Keep It Off

The Dukan diet has helped millions to lose weight fast and just as important to keep it off.

Dr Pierre Dukan designed this diet with a lot of skill and knowledge of dieter`s problems.

He knew that the first few days are probably the most important for someone on a diet.

He therefore made sure that people who started on his diet would lose a lot of weight quickly during the first phase of the diet - the attack phase.

There are four phases of this diet,as you progress you will feel quite satisfied at completing each phase - this is another booster of confidence for you.

The Attack Phase

During this phase you just eat lean meat - proteins, food such as chicken, lean beef, and fish such as tuna.

You will probably lose quite a few pounds in weight here, anything up to ten pounds,depending on your weight at the start.

The Cruise Phase

During this phase you still eat proteins every day, but you are allowed to eat vegetables every other day. You are also encouraged to walk for up to thirty minutes a day.

You should remain on this phase until you reach your desired weight.

The Consolidation Phase

By now you have reached your target weight.

During this phase you will try to not put the weight you have lost back on.

You can achieve this by eating as much protein and as many vegetables as you like.

Plus as an added bonus you can have one piece of fruit and two slices of wholemeal bread a day

You are also permitted to have a celebration meal once per week, this can be anything but try not to over do it as you do not want to put all that weight back on.

The Stabilization Phase

Congratulations you have reached the stabilization phase, the final stage of the diet.

You have reached your target weight.

You should now eat proten once every week, however for the duration of the week you can choose to eat what you like.

Becuase of the way the diet has been designed there is a good chance that you will have succeeded in losing a lot of weight and if you have that is great news.

You will find it good to be in contact with other people on this diet and I think it is a good idea to join a Dukan diet forum so that you can gain from other people`s experiences and feel part of a Dukan diet community.

You can find some of best Dukan diet forums and blogs available using this link:

Please note that before you start any diet you should contact your doctor or medical practioner.

If you want to put this article on your website you are welcome to do so.
A link back to will be appreciated, but is not essential.

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Saturday 14 May 2011

Dukan Diet - How The Attack Phase Boosts Your Confidence

The Dukan diet attack phase is the most important phase, your confidence will be boosted by this phase, because if you stick to it for seven to ten days you are sure to lose weight.

Most people lose about ten pounds during the attack phase, but this will depend on how much you already weigh, some people have lost a lot more.

Dr Pierre Dukan who invented the diet knew that if people were successful in the first phase of the diet, then they would be more likely to continue with it and ultimately succeed.

One of the failings of most diets is that people do not stick to them for very long.

Then the dieter feels that he or she has failed and becomes disheartened.

But the fact is this is often not the fault of the dieter but that a lot of diets are flawed because they are too difficult to stick to over a long period of say weeks or months.

Then once you come off of the diet you start to put all of the weight that you lost back on again.

The Dukan diet is designed to be a diet for life. A lot of people have been able to stay on the diet because of the way in which it has been designed.

The attack phase will help you lose weight fast and because of your initial success you will not want to put weight back on again, so the second phase - the cruise phase will be a little easier for you as you are allowed to eat vegetables every other day and consolidate your gains.

So this amazing diet all starts with the brilliant Attack Phase that encourages you from the start.

It should be noted that it is always advisable to consult your doctor or medical practioner before starting a diet or any weight loss programme.

Please feel free to copy this article and use it on your website.

(if you link back to this will be appreciated but is not essential)

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Friday 13 May 2011

Dukan Diet - Cruise Phase Success

Dukan Diet Cruise Phase

You will find that after you have lost some weight during the attack phase of the Dukan diet you will be encouraged to stick with this diet and lose even.

You will find the cruise phase more enjoyable as you are allowed a little more freedom during this stage of the diet.

If you enjoy vegetables you will be pleased to know that during the cruise phase you are permitted to eat vegetables as long as you only have them on alternative days.

There are a few vegetables you cannot eat such as potatoes (or fruit).

This still allows you green beans,tomatoes and cabbage.

These vegetables are full of nutrients and vitamins that you will benefit from without having many calories, so you will not put any weight on by eating them, although they are good for you.

During this part of the diet you are expected to try and walk for half an hour a day, which I expect you will look forward to.

You can easily lose up to ten pounds during this part of the diet - on top of the weight you have already lost.

So the cruise phase is a lot easier than the attack phase and you should find it easier and more enjoyable.

Please note it is always advisable to contact you doctor or medical practitioner before you start any diet or weight loss programme.

(If you use plr articles you are welcome to use this dukan diet plr article on your website - a link back to is not required but will be appreciated).

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Monday 2 May 2011

Acai Berry - Can It Help You Lose Weight?

I have recently started drinking the acai berry.

I know it is supposed to help you lose weight, and when I saw a carton of it for sale in Holland and Barrett I thought I would give it a try.

I have only drank it for a couple of days. I thought I would have some before a cycle ride and it did seem to give me some extra energy.

The acai berry is high in antioxidants, so it is a good food to eat.
The carton that I bought also had grapes and raspberries to help sweeten the drink.

I experimented today by adding some cranberry juice and water, which made a tasty drink.

I think it is definately worth trying.

It is a healthy food and one you could add to your diet. I think that if you combined it with some extra exercise it could help you to burn some calories and lose weight.

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